Why see Minimum Wage?
Minimum Wage
opens September 28th, 2007 Off Broadway
the Bleecker Street Theater
45 Bleecker Street, NYC
tix: www.burgerboys.com
Hello all.... even though Jeff technically blogged on my day, i'm still glad he did..... i'm just going to have to break at least 2 of his knees.
Now then!!!! I thought I would share with you a dialog I heard between a new york Hipster, and a Rural Woodsmen out side of our theatre at 45 Bleeker....

Hipster: Wow that show looks, like, amazing. I just have this feeling that the cast will change my life with their voices and comedy. I feel a deep connection all ready.
Woodsman: You wanna talk about a deep connection you little punk? How about this deep connection... I was in the middle of the Amazon Rain Forest, with nothing but the shredded clothes on my back. After suffering terrible dysentery from drinking the infected river water i tried to get some sleep. However, during my slumber a snake came to me, bit me, and riddled my body with deadly poison. Just when I thought I was dead, from the depths of the forest appeared the cast of Minimum Wage. They looked at my snake bite, and instead of sucking the poison out, they began to sing in a deliciously nourishing harmony and the sound waves lifted the poison from my body and exploded in air. After they performed their life saving song, they faded back into the forest. THAT my young friend, is a deep connection. I've had their voices IN me.
Hipster: Wow. that's, like, amazing. So are you gonna see the show?
Woodsman: Of course. ... ...but I need a date.
Hipster: (**clears throat and looks awkward**)
Woodsman: ...I really like your neck tattoo.
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