Tetanus Anyone?
So, I have to go get my Tetanus shots, Hepatitus A and Typhoid shots this week.
I'm pretty excited as I am going to work as a volunteer at the Pina Palmera mission in Hualtulco, Mexico. I leave on the 19th and return to NYC on the 28th.
It should be a really cool experience. I'm basically going to be helping them out in any way I possibly can. The real "pros" are all the MDs, Dentists and surgeons coming from all parts of the world. My brother, Brian is one of them.
I don't anticipate doing many eye surgeries, but ya never know. Perhaps in some sort of weird Walter Mitty--esque scenario, someone will call out. "LaGreca!, we need you to restore the eyesight of our wise and ancient village elder!" And forgetting that my much smarter and way more qualified surgeon brother, Brian (who also has the last name of LaGreca) is present, I leap into the fracas with my Swiss Army knife ready to attach corneas and cocsis and other "c" words of the physiological nature!!
Wow, I'm pumped.
(Pic: That's my brother, Bri. Rockin' the
microspectrometrasmagalisis machine.)
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