Pina Palmera
So I´ve finally been able to get to email-it hasn´t been easy. Great journey from NYC to Denver to Huatulco on Saturday! I don´t have much time to write, so i´ll try to throw down some pics.
"Muchas Maletas Sin Similares"
I can tell you this-This group of people that I am working with are AMAZING!!-Things got off to a very exciting start. We almost lost two of our team, Gary and Duann at the flight changeover in Denver (they were both transporting important equipment; scopes, telometers, sutures and other assorted medical supplies-- it´s a good thing they made the flight as there wasn´t another one til a week later.)
"Senor Gary, our Interpreter and Dr. Brian LaGreca, our Opthamologisticalifragilistic."
...I fully anticipated working in any capacity for which I was needed, BUT on our first day at the clinic, Duann (our awesome Circulating Nurse) got sick AND I had to fill in for her!! Ha ha! I was kind of nervous at first, but then I was fine. I ended up assisting in 4 eye surgeries that day and 5 more the next day!! In fact, I never thought I would say this seriously, but "they need me back in surgery!" ha ha!
Check out the pics below!
Con mucho gusto,
El Jeffe
Cerro Largo, where we are staying. Most days are very busy, but on our first day here, my bro and I managed to get out for a surfing excursion. (or as I like to call it: an "eating-sand-and-swallowing-salt-water" excursion.)
This is Joyce, another fantastic volunteer and Dr. Tracy´s mom. The man to her left is the one and only, David Duprey. He got this whole thing started; quite an energetic, interesting, incredible and vivacious man.
This is my favorite pic so far. The next day after surgery, the patients from the day before arrive to have there bandages removed. Many of them are legally blind and have not seen clearly in years! It is joyous, emotional and rewarding for all.
This truck costs something like 9 BILLION pesos!
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