Hola Burger Pals,
So my bro, Charlito and I are both doing the official podcast of the New York International Fringe Festival--should be a butt load of fun! The name of our podcast show is the FringeClub Variety Power Hour! Kind of a throwback to the weekend morning Superfriends/Sid & Marty Kroft type shows of Saturdays gone by. Cuz we are going to have SUPER guests from as many shows as possible at FringeNYC this year and of course, we'll have our own cast members from Minimum Wage (Bill Caleo, Elena Meulener and Tony Daussat) making appearances!
Well, it's the Fringe Festivals Official... Live Talk Show Variety Party Podcast Get Drunck Schmooze Connect Vibrate Super Friends meet the Justice League kind of affair! As veterans of past Fringe's know, what really makes the NYC Fringe special is the opportunity to connect with various inhabitants from all over Fringedom! We want to facilitate that and really help to find and bring out the community in FringeNYC this year. That's why we in tandem with Elena K Holy created this show. It is a chance to promote all the great productions at the Fringe and to come together, reach out and amplivate our beings into a higher realm of existence!
Sounds cool, huh?
You can download and hear our first podcast here:
http://www.evoca.com/everyone_recording.jsp?rid=13711Also, don't forget to get tix to our show MINIMUM WAGE here:
Labels: Billy, Charlie, Elena, FringeNYC 2006, Jeff, Minimum Wage, Tony