hey burger boys and girls!
well ever since the ol show has opened, i guess we've all gotten a little lazy about the blogging situation.... SO! HERE I AM!
tonight was an interesting show.
somethings happened before the show, during notes, with myself, that later came back to haunt me like a smelly nightmare, but we wont go there.
it was a good time tonight. it was charle's birthday today.... he's 72. what a guy.
for some reason, the song "dreams" was extra special tonight, and a few of us got emotional. i tend to get that way each night we sing that song.
you know it's like, here we are, such good friends, doing this show, making people smile, and we've worked so hard, and i dunno, it just always hits home for me.
so many people in my life have been so supportive of me and my dreams, that when we sing that song it all comes out.
so on a lighter note.
honey nut cheerios in the morning.
tug boat, out!