"Still some stuff in the basement." -Rocky Balboa
Do you remember that scene from Rocky Balboa? The one where he tells Paulie that he still has something inside? Yeah, me too. I liked that scene.
I'm trying to figure out what's still in my basement. I think it might be an old Hollymatic Griddle 4000... or a poke in the eye from a rusty spatula...
(Cue Rocky Music: "Da da da da...."
oops, that was Jaws:
" "Da da da da da da..."
Nope that was Lord of the Rings:
"Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da da BOM BOM da da da da da da da!")
Somebody is trying to light a fire in me.
Somebody is trying to light a fire in my basement.
And they almost burned my testock-clays.
The basement is dark.
It smells of rancid french fries.
It smells of adventure and locked away dreams.