To Hair is Human...
Hi Pals,
So my hair has been REALLY long for almost a year and I am having trouble parting with it. Especially since chicks seem to dig it! ;-)

We are trying to decide whether or not to incorporate it into the design of the characterWHAT DO YOU THINK?? Send me a COMMENT and let me know which you like better.
So, things are going very well. Of course, we are working our buns off. Right now my day looks like this.
wake up around 8 or 9 am.
warm up
Producer Business/Phone Calls/Web Stuff/Crew stuff/PR stuff
Forget to Eat something
Go to Rehearsal
Come home.
Remember to eat something.
DO Re-writes until 2am. S
ometimes, if I'm lucky I get to go to Yoga.
Hey, don't yous guys have hair nets? i want my burger minus the the long curly ones, yo!
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