Would you like a Big Ass with your meal?...
hello everyone!
well today's rehearsal was cut short because we had a sick member of the group. poor little billy. i think we are all just passing the sickness around in the cast now, so it won't hit us come performance time.
truth be told i know the real reason why billy got sick.....
well, a few days ago billy and i decided to make the worlds largest hamburger as part of our character study for the show. now, you are probably asking yourself, "so how did he get sick?" well... after we made the hambrger (which weighed almost 80 pounds) i put billy on his knees, duck taped him to a counter, and shoveled the entire hamburger into his mouth.
soon after his body was riddled with too much deliciousness and protein, and it started to reject the burger.
he's still recuperating, but hey at least we got in the Ripley's Believe it or Not show.

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